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Nom de la substance

Humulone, (acide alpha-lupulique)

Famille moléculaire

  • Dérivé du phloroglucinol, de saveur amère, représentant de la famille des alpha-acides important pour la fabrication de la bière

Source végétale


  • Antibiotique [1], [2]
  • Anti-oxydant [3]
  • Anti-inflammatoire, inhibe la COX-2 [4], [5]
  • Sédatif [6], [7]
  • Inhibition de l'angiogenèse [8], induction de l'apoptose avec effet anti-oxydant [9]
  • Inhibition importante de la résorption osseuse (le xanthohumol possède une activité moindre) [10]
  • Inhibe la prolifération et induit la différentiation des cellules myélomonocytaires leucémiques par potentialisation des effets de la vitamine D (1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamine D3) [11]

Effet thérapeutique

  • Ménopause
  • Ostéoporose
  • Cancers (?)
  • Acné [12]

Effets indésirables


  1. Lewis JC, Alderton G, Carson JF, Reynolds DM, Maclay WD. Lupulon and humulon-antibiotic constituents of hops. J Clin Invest. 1949 Sep;28(5 Pt 1):916-9. PMID 16695762 pdf
  2. Dumas ER, Michaud AE, Bergeron C, Lafrance JL, Mortillo S, Gafner S. Deodorant effects of a supercritical hops extract: antibacterial activity against Corynebacterium xerosis and Staphylococcus epidermidis and efficacy testing of a hops/zinc ricinoleate stick in humans through the sensory evaluation of axillary deodorancy. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2009 Sep;8(3):197-204. PMID 19735518
  3. Tagashira M, Watanabe M, Uemitsu N. Antioxidative activity of hop bitter acids and their analogues. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1995 Apr;59(4):740-2. PMID 7772843
  4. Lee JC, Kundu JK, Hwang DM, Na HK, Surh YJ. Humulone inhibits phorbol ester-induced COX-2 expression in mouse skin by blocking activation of NF-kappaB and AP-1: IkappaB kinase and c-Jun-N-terminal kinase as respective potential upstream targets. Carcinogenesis. 2007 Jul;28(7):1491-8. PMID 17372274
  5. Yamamoto K, Wang J, Yamamoto S, Tobe H. Suppression of cyclooxygenase-2 gene transcription by humulon of beer hop extract studied with reference to glucocorticoid. FEBS Lett. 2000 Jan 14;465(2-3):103-6. PMID 10631313
  6. Saric-Kundalic, B., Mudrov, A., Mazic, M., Ademovic, Z., Kudumovic, A., Halilic, Z., & Zahirovic, J. L. (2017). Selected plant species with sedative effects and their medicinal use. TTEM, 44. texte intégral
  7. Edewor-Kuponiyi, Theresa Ibibia. "Plant-derived compounds with potential sedative and anxiolytic activities." Int J Basic Appl Sci 2.1 (2013): 63-78. texte intégral
  8. Shimamura M, Hazato T, Ashino H, Yamamoto Y, Iwasaki E, Tobe H, Yamamoto K, Yamamoto S. Inhibition of angiogenesis by humulone, a bitter acid from beer hop. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Nov 23;289(1):220-4. PMID 11708802
  9. Tobe H, Kubota M, Yamaguchi M, Kocha T, Aoyagi T. Apoptosis to HL-60 by humulone. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1997 Jun;61(6):1027-9. PMID 9214766
  10. Tobe H, Muraki Y, Kitamura K, Komiyama O, Sato Y, Sugioka T, Maruyama HB, Matsuda E, Nagai M. Bone resorption inhibitors from hop extract. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1997 Jan;61(1):158-9. PMID 9028043
  11. Honma Y, Tobe H, Makishima M, Yokoyama A, Okabe-Kado J. Induction of differentiation of myelogenous leukemia cells by humulone, a bitter in the hop. Leuk Res. 1998 Jul;22(7):605-10. PMID 9680110
  12. Yamaguchi N, Satoh-Yamaguchi K, Ono M. In vitro evaluation of antibacterial, anticollagenase, and antioxidant activities of hop components (Humulus lupulus) addressing acne vulgaris. Phytomedicine. 2009 Apr;16(4):369-76. PMID 19201179