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Nom de la substance


Famille moléculaire

Diterpénol (alcool diterpénique)

Source végétale


  • Présenté comme œstrogène-like
  • Anti-inflammatoire
  • Antimicrobien [1]
  • Potentialités dans la maladie d’Alzheimer [2]
  • Protection vis-à-vis des lésions cérébrales provoquées par l’ischémie, en combinaison avec le paeonol [3]
  • Anti-ulcéreux [4]

Effet thérapeutique

Effets indésirables


  1. Shokrzadeh, S., Salehi, P., Moridi, F. M., & Rezadoost, H. (2015). Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of salviol and lupeol isolated from Salvia multicaulis.
  2. JING, LIU Yan-hua LI. Protective effects of salviol on aphrenia in mice induced by amyioid beta-protein and its mechanisms [J]. Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases, 2007, vol. 1.
  3. Juan Zhang, En-Hu Zhang. Protective effects of combination of salviol ⅡA and paeonol on cerebral ischemia injury in rats. Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2013, no 6, p. 11.
  4. HUAXIONG Zhang, et al. The research on compound injection of salviol's effect on stress ulcer. Journal of Qiqihar Medical, 1994, no 1.
  • Sun, X.-L. Zhang, X.-W. Chen, W.-K. Action of salviol on high C-reactive protein of type 2 diabetes. Modern journal of intergrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2005, vol 14; part 12, pages 1543-1544.
  • Gonzalez AG, Aguiar ZE, Luis JG, Ravelo AG, Dominguez X. Quinone methide diterpenoids from the roots of Salvia texana. Phytochemistry, 1988, vol. 27, no6, pp. 1777-1781.